April Fools’ Day 2008


April Fools’ Day On The Web是一个专门搜集网上的愚人节恶搞的网站,2008年的列表也已出来,还是有不少值得一看的——Blizzard这次很敬业的出了三个完整页面(在上述列表中排在12-14位):

The Top Ten Lies of Venture Capitalists

去年这里转了一篇Guy Kawasaki的文字,叫做 The Top 10 Lies of Entrepreneurs,其实这是另外稍早的一篇 The Top 10 Lies of Venture Capitalists 的延续,所以这次补上这篇同样的妙文。还是来自译言网——他们改了名字,译文依然优秀。

RS is the new Chuck Norris

Richard Stallman最近在一个邮件列表里说他从来不用浏览器看页面,而是向一个daemon发email,然后这个daemon用wget下载他要的页面再email给他。于是引起大规模的仿Chuck Norris式恶搞,集大成者在这个reddit的帖子里。

The Top 10 Lies of Entrepreneurs

Guy Kawasaki是著名的风险投资家,喜欢写文风泼辣而充满机智的文章。这一点从他的blog完全可以看出。最近看了他的两篇很热门的文字,一篇讲VC的10大谎言,不久又不过瘾,把创业者(Entrepreneurs)也揪住开涮。其实抛开表面的调侃,倒是对创业者,或者说“风险资本期待者”们很好的借鉴。



Zidane Headbutt Outrage

Zidane headbutt outrage: new video evidence



News Link, April 2nd

On Apple vs Apple

Windows Vista Capable Machines Coming

Apple to Face iPod Clone Attack

Wikipedia Covers April Fool’s Hoaxes
自然拉不下的,每年一度的geeks们的April Fools’ jokes。。。

— from Slashdot

News Link, February 17th

Software Development’s Evolution towards Product Design

— from Slashdot

The Most Promising Web 2.0 Software of 2006 (web2.wsj2.com)

Google Answers: whistling

— from del.icio.us/popular

News Link, November 8th

History’s Worst Software Bugs

— from Slashdot

Presentation Zen: Gates, Jobs, & the Zen aesthetic

The DOS Underground

Visual Studio Express – Full Downloads
这个是今天的热门,同样的还有新的SQL Server Express。。。

— from del.icio.us/popular

News Link, October 28th

Sex.com Hijacker Captured in Mexico

MS Office 12 To Utilize ODF?

— from Slashdot

How to Interview a Programmer

Was Einstein a Space Alien?

— from del.icio.us/popular

News Link, October 27th

20 Years of NES

Slashback: OpenDocuments, RFID Passports, Firefox Celebration

— from Slashdot

The Hacker’s Diet

The Official M.C. Escher Website

— from del.icio.us/popular

News Link, August 8th

Google Maps JavaScript API Example – simple
好玩啊!但是。。。为什么Google Map居然不支持Firefox??!!

— from del.icio.us

Linux Feels Growing Pains
一上来就有人说: “Properly patched and firewalled Windows box is at no higher risk then a Linux box.” That’s the truth.

A Buyers Guide to Inkjet Printers

Terrorists Move to Cyberspace

— from Slashdot

Why Am I Doing This Job

Ten Reasons You’re a Software Developer




News Link, April 22th

A Comprehensive Look at Solaris 10

Opera’s CEO to Swim From Norway to the USA

An overly excited Jon S. von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software, today proclaimed at an internal company meeting that if the download numbers of the new Opera 8 Web browser reach 1 million within the first four days of the launch, he will swim from Norway to the USA with only one stop-over for a cup of hot chocolate at his mother’s house in his home country, Iceland. The new browser was released Tuesday and was downloaded 600.000 times in the first 48 hours since release. The challenge will end on Saturday at 0900 a.m. CET, so if you want to try out some new software and make the CEO stick to his big words, download it at Opera’s webpage(direct link).

GCC 4.0.0 Released
A big version, 召唤cauchy作评测啦!

— from Slashdot

Google Gulp

Google Gulp

The Logo…


Happy Birthday Gmail!

去年的今天,在人们的猜疑声中Gmail来到了这个世界上——大部分人都认为这个1G的邮箱不过是Google的Aprial Fools’ Joke;今天Google宣布它的Gmail将从现在开始不断的给每个用户扩容,直到明晚,停在每个用户2050M的容量!


Something About CAAC



News Link, December 1st

Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Confirmed

Debian Announces Sarge Will Include GNOME 2.8

China Blocking Access to Google News Site
靠,这也算新闻?!想起Sunny的名言:“Those guys do not know our pain…”

— from Slashdot

The Evolution of a Programmer

Koders – Open Source Search
专搜free soft的引擎。

— from del.icio.us

Classic Jokes, The HMM Edition

《魔法门英雄传》(Heroes of Might & Magic)的1、2、3代都是经典,尤其是2和3。。。尤其让我佩服的是在M&M这样经典中的经典基础上发展了完全不同类型的另外一个大作,如此不同的游戏,又如此同等的好玩。。。这次找了一些经典故事的HMM翻版,如有雷同纯属巧合!


News Link, November 18th

Chinese Team Heading for Coldest Spot on Earth
China to Have Over 100 Eyes in the Sky

WinAmp’s Death Greatly Exaggerated

— from Slashdot

AspectWerkz 2: An Extensible Aspect Container
AspectWerkz 2.0 RC1 is released

TopLink: 10 Years of Persistence

Resource: JVM Options

Jetbrains Releases White Paper on Domain-Specific Languages

Java Community Process Election Results

Coefficient 0.9.5 released: Open Source Collaboration Platform

Coefficient’s framework is based on innovative tools such as AspectJ, Hibernate, Velocity, and Castor.


— from TheServerSide.com

[ws] Color Scheme Generator 2
这些我们这些没有颜色感的可以比较容易的找到一组safe color了。

Paper airplane – The best paper airplane in the world!

— from del.icio.us

News Link, October 12th

IBM announces WebSphere 6.0 (a.k.a. Vela)
IBM有一次全新构建的J2EE平台,正式宣布WebSphere 6.0。这次的主题词是SOA,大幅强化的嵌入式JMS服务,还有那个名字古怪的ESB(enterprise service bus)。

Simplifying EJB Development with EJB 3.0
TSS的一篇featured article,比较完整的介绍了EJB3的新特征。

— from TheServerSide.com

hack a day – www.hackaday.com

Command Line Essentials
A list of some handy/common things you can do on the command line in Linux.

The Onion | 2004 Election Guide
The Onion的竞选指南,太搞笑了。。。

— from del.icio.us

News Link, October 3rd

2004 Ig Nobel Prizes Announced
Ig Nobel Prize是颁给那些“have done things that first make people LAUGH, then make them THINK”的科学家的奖项,2004的奖项已按惯例,在官方的Nobel Prize之前出来了。

Blizzard Stomps Bnetd in DMCA Case

— from Slashdot

Craig McClanahan: Struts Or JSF? Struts And JSF?
Struts的创始人Craig Mcclanahan在自己的blog上写了这篇热门文章,不过这家伙似乎也开始打官腔,参考意义有限。。。

Humor: Why your code sucks

Introduction to Service Data Objects
也就是IBM和BEA力推的JSR 235。来自dW的介绍。

An interview on the new persistence API, from the JDO side
对于这个相当有冲击力的事件,开始出现了第一批反馈,这次是来自JDOCentral Interview(pdf)

— from TheServerSide.com

News Link, September 20th

Why You Should Never Lose Your Digital Media
如果你丢了你的CF卡或者SM卡之类的东西,你能想象一下别人拣到后会拿它怎么找乐子么?”I Found Some Of Your Life“就是一个专门贴这种“遗失的照片”的站点。。。

Microsoft To Share Office Source Code

— from Slashdot

A visual history of spam (and virus) email

Nine things you can do to make your web site better [Scribbling.net]

— from del.icio.us

Dilbert: Fax to the Voice Line



News Link, July 26th

Celebrity Casting For LOTR

— from Slashdot

JSR 201 PFD: Enumerations, Autoboxing, for loop, static import
JDK 1.5的几个语言级特性——JSR 201发布了PFD,估计很快就会进入最后的发布了——希望有人赶紧开始做JDK 1.4的实现吧!

Google gets another Java guy: Adam Bosworth from BEA

Detecting Memory Problems Before they Hurt
The Java Specialists’ Newsletter的Heinz在OutOfMemoryError Warning System中演示了如何使用JDK 1.5的memory MX bean来检测内存溢出异常。但是,似乎没有从这种灾难中recover的办法,那又有啥用呢?!

The Eclipse Web and J2EE Tools Platform Project is Now Live!
Eclipse的webtools项目正式挂牌,看看几时可以出点成果,现在的Eclipse J2EE开发plugins几乎没有好用的。。。

More Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
MF这家伙看来也是个喜欢赶潮流的主儿,这次他对他的新书“Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture”做了修正,增加了一些针对Rich User Interfaces的新patterns。

JDBC Tips: Managing Connections and Updates
JDBC Performance Tips的第IV部分:Managing Connections and Updates

EJB 3, the New JavaBeans?
Gavin King讲EJB 3将会成为JavaBean的增强版,因为JavaBean的设计模式简单而强大,相比之下EJB 1&2的模式复杂而晦涩,而且毫无意义。这是不是说——之前的EJB实在瞎折腾呢?

JavaBeans components are:

  • easy to write and easy to change
  • object oriented
  • somewhat self-documenting
  • sufficiently general – the component model does not really assume much about the nature of the bean container, nor about the purpose of the component
  • fine grained
  • executable completely outside any container

…EJB 3 component model as an enhancement to JavaBeans: JavaBeans with “extra” semantics, defined by the spec’s general-purpose annotations.

Grady Booch talks past, present, and future
嗯,这老家伙又出来说话了,在IBM Rational User Conference上,这里有两句他新说出来的话:

Java is not the last language — although it may be Scott McNealy’s last language.

Many of the frameworks of the future will be built upon UML semantics, and that aspect-oriented programming will be mainstream.

— from TheServerSide.com

How to use CVS without going insane

Writing Bug-Free C Code
Jerry Jongerius在1995年出的名作,讲了很多很基本的原则,用一种好的code style来降低差错率,style的重要性是不能低估的。

css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design
Zen Garden经常有些很pp的设计,这次是一篇CSS的设计示例。

— from del.icio.us

News Link, July 17th

Apache Maven 1.0 Released

North Korea Opens Official Website
该来的总是会来。。。www.kcckp.net是北朝鲜官方网站,主页写着:President Kim Il Sung, a Great Man of 20th Century。。。

— from Slashdot

Mozilla and the future of the Web
提到广受欢迎的Firefox和Thunderbird将在这个夏天结束的时候发布1.0 release。

— from NewsForge

dprism Time Package v2.0 Released
说起来又是Sun值得羞愧的事,居然要第三方来发布Date/Time处理代码,还能赚钱。这个dprism Time Package是专门处理时间的过程库。不知道比起开源的 Joda Time来有什么优胜,居然还要钱。。。

New Product Listing from JavaOne 2004
今年的J1上所有announce的product list。我最感兴趣的是。。。Nokia和Sega联手推出的移动游戏终端。。。

Featured Article: Source Code Communication Best Practices
一个很有意思也很少被提及的专题,关于如何在代码高度共享的开发环境交换源码信息。Vincent Massol的这篇TSS Featured Article提出了两个方案:Diff emails on SCM commit和RSS feeds(feeds anywhere, hm?)。

— from TheServerSide.com

FCKeditor – The text editor for Internet

Things President Bush is not
可以学到很多有趣的词儿,呵呵!”I’m not a tree, I’m a Bush.”

How to write Firefox extensions
Have a try!

bitoogle :: the bit torrent file search engine (bittorrent)
Bingo! 正是我要的dd啊!

Free Picasa Photo Album Software

An no-nonsense guide to Semantic Web specs for XML people (Part I)
针对目前正热烈讨论中的Semantic Web的评论和分析。

Making TeX Work
名著Making TeX Work的SourceForge版!

— from del.icio.us

News Link, July 7th

Fedora Core 2: Making it work

Recently I concluded my review of Fedora Core 2(FC2) on Linux.com with the words, “It’s an important step in the evolution of Linux … but I won’t be using it for production work anytime soon.” What a difference a month makes — I am now using FC2 for production work. Here’s how I got around the distro’s deficiencies.

— from NewsForge

Featured Article: What You Can Do With EJB3 (part one)
Hibernate的Gavin King的新文章,针对新发布的EJB 3.0 Early Draft提出了对EJB3应用的设想。

Maxine 1.1 Released: A JMX Microkernel

Autoboxing surprises from J2SE 5
JCP在Tiger(现在叫J2SE 5了-_-bbb)中引入autoboxing特性的时候大概绝对没想到会成为一个恐怖的大漩涡!TSS汇集了最近关于autoboxing特性的一组有趣的讨论。

Container Driven Testing Part III: Advanced Testing Techniques
这是这一题目的Part III(这里有Part IIPart I)。

Humor: Sun shows cartoon making fun of the Microsoft settlement
Inside Jack Episode I: The Sun-Microsoft Thing是Sun官方网站最新放出的flash动画,开始的音乐很爽(Nirvana rules!),然后开始围绕“How can Sun use the $2,000,000,000?”的问题调侃。里面有很多好玩的dd,例如上来Jack就说“My name is Jack, and I write code…”,令人想起工藤新一的“工藤新一…探偵さ!!”,开会时打游戏和睡觉的工程师,Balmore和McNealy对着说“Hi, I love you, man”的表情和语气,然后还有2 billion一个的“IBM consulting contract”。。。BTW,Jack的那件写着“No, I will not fix your computer”的t-shirt很讨人喜欢,其实这在ThinkGeek卖15-19美刀一件。

Featured Article: AOP Panel at JavaOne 2004
J1继续开,请跟踪关注持续更新的TSS @ J1链接。这次是AOP专题介绍。

Eclipse Pollinate: BEA and Eclipse team up for Beehive plugin
日食+蜂巢=授粉?BEA和Eclipse社区开始了新的Eclipse Pollinate项目,目的是为Eclipse平台开发Apache Beehive技术的工具插件。

— from TheServerSide.com

Using Blogs To Dispense Venture Capital

Fedora, SuSE And Mandrake Compared

gmuslera writes “This weekend 2 comparisions were made between latest Fedora, SuSE and Mandrake Linux distributions. The first one was done by FlexBeta and in general goes deep, done by people that seem to know Linux, and good around its 9 pages. The last one was done by The Washington Post (yahoo news link) and shows another view of those 3 distributions, from someone that seems to dislike Linux and don’t know enough about it. In what of those extremes are the average new user experience with those distributions?” Update: 07/06 01:01 GMT by T: Note that long-time Washington Post tech writer Rob Pegaroro doesn’t seem to dislike Linux — far from it; he’s just writing what he sees as truth.

World Computer Chess Championships Underway
在FIDE世界冠军赛的同时,World Computer Chess Championship 2004也在以色列如火如荼进行中,/.的geeks当然格外关注开源社区的弈棋引擎Crafty是不是能够在如林的封闭引擎之中创造好成绩。

— from Slashdot

News Link, June 19th

Tales from TheServerSide: Trends in Enterprise Development
Tales From TheServerSide是TSS的最有趣的专栏,用cartoon的方式调侃J2EE世界里的新闻。这次是用选美来说企业级开发里的种种新潮技术。Check it out!

JSR 223: Scripting Pages in Java Web Apps Early Draft Review
JSR 223是定义其他脚本语言(以PHP为例)如何访问servlet的组件——例如context, session, request, response以及其他Java对象。

— from TheServerSide.com

Nikon To Increase Digital Production, Exit Compact Film
dpreview援引路透社新闻称,尼康常务董事Makoto Kimura在接受路透社采访时表示,尼康将会在近期不断增加D70的产量,大约以每月20,000台的增长速度,直到产能达到每月90,000台为止。同时,Makoto Kimura也表示将会退出小型胶卷相机领域。CN大战Canon占先已是不争的事实——不信看看欧洲杯上有多少白炮。。。

— from dpreview.com

Acolyte Overpowered!

一个名叫tekkvicious的玩家,在Warcraft III官方论坛发贴抱怨伺僧在UvU中发挥的“强大作用”表示了不满,要求Blizzard在这个问题被滥用之前解决它。最BT的还是Blizzard的工作人员,发言人TCadwell站出来回帖说:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Our crack team of programmers and designers will take a look at this as soon as possible. If necessary, we will put a fix in for the next patch.


News Link, May 21th

MovableStyle Tansferred
MovableStyle(本站的skin作者)正式易主,Scott Yang因为MT3的新授权策略而感觉备受打击,一周前宣布放弃MT和这个很受欢迎的站点,他十分礼貌的决定无偿转让域名和现有的一切成果,根据昨天的更新,现在已经有人接手了,可能很快就能完成交接。希望是一个同样优秀的作者和讨人喜欢的新主人!

— from Ragnarok Studio

Worst Explanation From Tech Support?
我们听过无数做support的人不得不向巨多的菜鸟解释极菜的问题,但是——凡事都有但是——也有专业用户和菜鸟support的事件,看看Slashdot的nerd “Disgruntled-with-Tech-Support”带来的“stuck bits”的故事,绝对的经典!

… I had just had DSL installed, only to find it much slower than the 56K line I was looking to get rid of. On calling the provider, I was told (by someone who likely reading off cue cards) to visit one of their internal websites for measuring bandwidth. While there, I observed that they had both bytes per second and bits per second listed, and that the number of bytes/sec != bits/sec * 8, rather a factor around 13 or 14. I pointed this out as a possible problem, and the guy’s reasoning: ‘Uh, it looks like the bytes are getting through to you ok, but the bits are getting stuck someplace.’

— from Slashdot.org

Intellij IDEA Consequently Loses Its Advantage Over Eclipse
其实不是新闻了,不过这位IDEA拥趸的文章非常透彻的描述了这个事实——但是他没有说出的是——其实最新的Eclipse 3.0M8已经超过了IDEA 4,难道不是么(别忘了,Eclipse是开源和免费的,而IDEA价值不菲)?看看:

I am one of these fanatic Idea users, participating in EAP, helping Jetbrainers fixing the bugs, defining new functionality and so on. I am keen on Idea. I am so keen that I treat all Idea rants and complaints very personally. Until now…

Something bad happened recently. Jetbrains guys, known from their rock-solid software and obsession with quality – are changing. Idea build are more and more buggy, even basic features are sometimes not working properly. Moreover, user interface, that other companies had to dream about is becoming more and more polluted, bloated and not intuitive. It all began with Idea 4.0 – released too early, not tested enough and bloated with the features that only few want.


Wanna Use Spring With JSF?
Sun和IBM都发布了自己对JSF的支持,据说BEA也将在Platform 8 sp3中支持JSF(Server和Workshop)。开源社区也没放松,这里的例子是SourceForge上新成立的JSF-Spring Integration项目。

Effective AspectJ – Understanding Type Checking For pointcuts and advice

— from JRoller


转自 色影无忌,作者是la.confidential。有另一老鸟说:“过于个人化的经验,不可不信,更不可尽信。” 信然,不过写的很有趣 :D


News Link, April 22nd

2004 – A Workspace Odyssey
模仿Stanley Kubrick的“2001: A Space Odyssey”中Dave和超级电脑HAL的对话,TSS的这篇humor当中作者也和WSAD 5.0进行了一番对话。。。

Pattern Testing with AOP

IBM Delivers SOA Enablers

JView 2004 – J2EE Performance Monitor – 1.4 Released
又是一个强大的server-side profiler,当然,也不是免费的。。。

— from TheServerSide.COM

April Fools Aggregator

4月1号对老外来说是个重要的日子,也是个会冒出很多创意的日子。有个叫做Cameron Purdy的家伙在自己的blog上搞了这个April Fools Aggregator,关于这个TSS的评注也很有趣,包括我们下面也提到了的JetBrains’ New Home事件,呵呵!

Linus ends free lunch

JetBrains’ April Fool

JetBrains(IntelliJ IDEA的作者)用完全抄袭eclipse.org主页的方式来调侃对手,并以此作为愚人节的娱兴节目。在一篇伪造的新闻中更是极尽讽刺之能事。。。


What’s the coolest story Slashdot’s ever had?

This one.
(Defined by CmdrTaco in FAQ of Slashdot when answering the question as this topic’s title.)



一曰“Smile And Retain Smile”,毫无疑问,这是希望缓解一点人们的恐慌心理,毕竟人心的躁动可能比病毒还可怕。

一曰“Sacrifice, Appreciation, Reflection, Support”,这个就更是上升到我等俗人难以理解人性哲思的高度 -_-bb
