FC2 Released!
Fedora Core 2如期发布,同时也发布了amd64的版本。按惯例,你可以下载ISO镜像,也可以使用bittorrent下载(这是我正在做的事情下载分流看这里)。

— from Ragnarok Studio

Java and .NET Interoperability Using CORBA
用CORBA来连接Java和.NET??我正准备说出小盖最喜欢的那句“It is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard”,但是MiddTec提供的CORBA for .NET产品把CORBA变得简单了许多,JavaWorld的这篇示例基于这个CORBA产品演示了如何用几十行代码实现跨平台集成。还是令人半信半疑,不过看上去很酷!

JSR 170: Content Repository for Java Announces Public Review
JSR 170,也就是传说中的Java CMS的规范,发布了它的第一个public review版本

SearchBlox J2EE Search Component Version 1.3 Released
SearchBlox的产品是那种即插即用的搜索引擎,还提供了一个可以搜索1000篇文档的免费license(整个产品就一个war,看上去比较讨人喜欢)。号称支持中文!找时间弄来试试(Tomcat和Weblogic的安装指南在这里,注意,需要Servlet 2.3容器,也就是说不支持Tomcat 5)。

Checkstyle 3.4 Released
上次介绍了Hammurapi,这次的Checkstyle是个类似的东西,Apache Maven代码检查报告就是用这个东西做的,但是看了一下,似乎没有Hammurapi简单易用,而且它的ant task似乎还有一点issue,至少在我的系统上目前还跑不起来(解决了,classpath里不能有不兼容的antlr.jar,发现这个库经常变化接口带来兼容性问题。。。),comments里有人提到这个问题的。

— from TheServerSide.COM

A Photoshop Tutorial for Photographers

Ten Types of Innovation

— from del.icio.us

Description of type Business example
Finance 1
Business model
How you make money Dell revolutionized the personal computer business model by collecting money before the consumer’s PC was even assembled and shipped (resulting in net positive working capital of seven to eight days).
How you join forces with other companies for mutual benefit Consumer goods company Sara Lee realized that its core competencies were in consumer insight, brand management, marketing and distribution. Thus it divested itself of a majority of its mfg. operations and formed alliances with mfg. and supply chain partners.
Process 3
Enabling process
How you support the company’s core processes and workers Starbucks can deliver its profitable store/coffee experience to customers because it offers better-than-market compensation and employment benefits to its store workers–usually part time, educated, professional, and responsive people.

Core processes

How you create and add value to your offerings Wal-Mart continues to grow profitably through core process innovations such as real-time inventory management systems, aggressive volume/ pricing/delivery contracts with merchandise providers, and systems that give store managers the ability to identify changing buyer behaviors in and respond quickly with new pricing and merchandising configurations.
Offerings 5
Product performance
How you design your core offerings The VW Beetle (in both its original and its newest form) took the market by storm, combining multiple dimensions of product performance.
Product system
How you link and/or provide a platform for multiple products. Microsoft Office “bundles a variety of specific products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) into a system designed to deliver productivity in the workplace.
How you provide value to customers and consumers beyond and around your products An international flight on any airlines will get you to your intended designation. A flight on Singapore Airlines, however, nearly makes you forget that you are flying at all, with the most attentive, respectful, and pampering pre-flight, in-flight and post-services you can imagine.
Delivery 8
How you get your offerings to market Legal problems aside, Martha Stewart has developed such a deep understanding of her customers that she knows just where to be (stores, TV shows, magazines, online, etc.) to drive huge sales volumes from a relatively small set of “home living” educational and product offerings.


How you communicate your offerings

Absolut conquered the vodka category on the strength of a brilliant "theme and variations" advertising concept, strong bottle and packaging design, and a whiff of Nordic authenticity.

Customer experience

How your customers feel when they interact with your company and its offerings Harley Davidson has created a worldwide community of millions of customers, many of whom would describe “being a Harley Davidson owner” as a part of how they fundamentally see, think, and feel about themselves.