
The details are not yet completely decided, however one thing that is decided, is that the XFree86 license version 1.1 is unacceptable.

X11 has sorely lacked such an open and collaborative development environment for a very long time. It’s now time for the open source community to unite and work together on solving this problem together, and give X11 permanently back to the community!

事实上,根据来自Mandrake邮件列表和Slashdot的信息暗示,这一切也跟臭名昭著的XFree86核心组跟其他开源界组织的不愉快的关系有关,例如下面来自Mandrake邮件列表的引文,其中明确说了Mandrake 10放弃XFree86 4.4的原因:
The practical problem is that Mandrake needs to modify a lot of files/documentation to comply with this license. It’s a bit late for that in the 10.0 release cycle. Another problem is that this license likely isn’t completely compatible with the GPL.

Another problem is more social in nature, this license, the quibling between XFree86 developers (the core team mess) and the lack of social finesse of David Dawes don’t really appeal for close cooperation.