今天在ChessBase看到一篇有趣的文章。这篇文章的来源是英国的特级大师Nigel Short(此公在90年代曾被视为西方棋界的希望,能够挑战俄国人的少数高手之一,不过现在没什么太多声音了)在自己的网站写的一篇短文。。。


In my opinion perhaps the most romantic of all openings is the King’s Gambit (1. e4 e5 2. f4!). A few years ago I sat in a bar with Vladimir Kramnik discussing theory. At that time the future World Champion was contemplating a switch to King’s Pawn openings and he wanted to bounce his preliminary ideas off me. He opined that the Evans’ Gambit (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4!) was very logical: White sacrifices a fairly unimportant wing pawn to open lines and accelerate his development. This was not necessarily to say that it was Vlad’s preferred method of starting the game, but at least he could understand the rationale behind it. In contrast, the King’s Gambit, however, was for him totally incomprehensible: it loses a pawn and weakens the kingside, for all he could see.

意思是说Short认为王翼弃兵开局是最“浪漫”的开局,而世界冠军克拉姆尼克则说埃文斯弃兵是很合乎逻辑的。接着Short提到棋史上王翼弃兵的大师毫无疑问应该是Boris Spassky(鲍里斯.斯帕斯基,此人被称为历史上棋艺最全面的棋手之一,但不幸的是,他不得不和伟大的菲舍尔去争夺棋王的位置),在他的职业生涯中,他曾经多次在重要比赛中使用王翼弃兵,取得了16胜、不败的惊人成绩——栽在这里的人中有两个棋史上最伟大的名字:鲍比.菲舍尔和卡尔波夫。

Over the years the most successful practitioner of the King’s Gambit has been Boris Spassky. His record of 16 victories and no defeats (with some draws) is unsurpassed. His victims include two of the most illustrious names in chess history – Bobby Fischer and Anatoly Karpov…

甚至于,他在1960年击败布龙斯坦的那一局,在3年后出现在好莱坞的007电影,”From Russia with Love“中,这部片子的开头,坏蛋头子Kronsteen——一个国际水准的象棋高手,在比赛中击败了对手,其残局就是1960年Spassky vs. Bronstein的对局。

KronsteenMcAdams, From Russia with Love, 1963


Here Kronsteen gives his opponent a long glare and then plays 1.Nxe5+ (as you can see in the picture above). He ominously says “check” while the move is displayed for the audience on a large demonstration board. McAdams nervously plays 1…Kh7, after which Kronsteen smiles and plays 2.Qe4+. McAdams is horrified and knocks over his king as a sign of resignation, muttering “Congratulations sir, that was a brilliant coup.” The audience bursts into applause as Kronsteen leaves the room to get on with his evil plottings. The reason McAdams resigned is clear: after 2…Kh8 3.Rxf8+ Qxf8 (or 3…Rxf8) White wins prettily with 4.Ng6+ Kh7 5.Nxf8+ Kh8 6.Qh7 mate. 2…g6 is not much better, since 3.Rf7+ wins the queen.

A very exciting ending, isn’t it?


Spassky,BBronstein,D [C36], URS-ch27 Leningrad, 1960

1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 d5 4.exd5 Bd6 5.Nc3 Ne7 6.d4 0-0 7.Bd3 Nd7 8.0-0 h6 9.Ne4 Nxd5 10.c4 Ne3 11.Bxe3 fxe3 12.c5 Be7 13.Bc2 Re8 14.Qd3 e2 15.Nd6 Nf8 16.Nxf7 exf1Q+ 17.Rxf1 Bf5 18.Qxf5 Qd7 19.Qf4 Bf6 20.N3e5 Qe7 21.Bb3 Bxe5.

除了白方在中心的一对兵之外,局面和电影里一模一样,而斯帕斯基的走发也是 22.Nxe5+,布龙斯坦也确实应以 22…Kh7,在 23.Qe4+ 之后就认输了,原因也同上。但是,应该注意到一点,电影的黑方出现错棋(1…Kh7??)不同,布龙斯坦这步 22…Kh7 并非看走了眼,因为假如 22…Ne6,在电影的那个局面中是对白方战术组合的有力反击,但是在Spassky的对局中,白方可以 23.Ng6(或 23.Qe4 然后 Ng6),可以夺回黑的e6马,例如 23…Qg5 24.Qe4 接着 Bxe6+。这说明Spassky比电影里的黑社会头目来得高明?这个好像是废话!

You can download the PGN file here.