BEA to release Apache Beehive: Workshop Open Sourced
传闻已久的事情终于确实了,BEA宣布将把它的Workshop的核心部分开源,开源项目的代号为Beehive,而BEA选中的开源组织——毫无悬念的——是Apache(Workshop的一个核心技术,XMLBeans就是BEA捐给Apache的),也就是说很快就会有一个Apache Beehive的project。据说这次将开放的是Workshop Runtime,Controls,PageFlow。开源的授权模式将是Apache License v.2.0,开放的是:Controls、NetUI=PageFlow、XMLBeans、Web Service Metadata。可以访问BEA的专题网站获得更多信息。

The Top 10 Elements of Good Software Design

10. Considers the Sophistication of the Team that Will Implement It
9. Uniformly Distributes Responsibility and Intelligence
8. Is Expressed in a Precise Design Language
7. Selects Appropriate Implementation Mechanisms
6. Is Robustly Documented
5. Eliminates Duplication
4. Is Internally Consistent and Unsurprising
3. Exhibits Maximum Cohesion and Minimum Coupling
2. Is as Simple as Current and Foreseeable Constraints will Allow
1. Provides the Necessary Functionality
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Javalobby Launches Nnew Java Knowledge Base
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