Ten Reasons You’re a Software Developer
For all of the software developers out there, here is your
speech—a reminder of ten reasons you chose to be a software developer.
- After hours and sometimes days of slogging through a putrid mire of
code, that moment of startling clarity—when all the pieces fall into place like a well ordered universe, and our programs work like they should—is the ultimate endorphin.- The experience of transforming a lifeless, dust-colored form into a working application—and proclaiming it good—may just be God’s hand extended into the world of technological creation.
- Re-engineering a business function—hopelessly clogged by reams of unnecessary paper and inefficient handling—is the sort of delicate, highly skilled surgery that restores blood flow to companies dying on the table of myopic convention.
- Software developers are artists, using crude tools to render
images, text, and logic on electronic palettes that transcend aesthetic appeal.- While we may never qualify for an Oscar, writing an application is like directing an epic film—with all it’s scheduling, financial, and artistic drama.
- Software developers provide the link between reality and science fiction—sending men to the moon and Mars—and back home again.
- Often through sacrificial drudgery, software developers automate
mindless, repetitive tasks for millions of workforce members, freeing them to make distinctly human contributions.- Software developers span the divide between supply and demand, scaling barriers of distance and culture to provide life-changing services.
- With few exceptions, software developers are financially compensated for the professional static that comes with the territory. While money isn’t everything, it’s something—and many professionals(teachers, for instance) endure a lot for a little.
- Amidst the throngs of miserable, disgruntled, you-can-never-do-enough-for-them users, there is that one smiling client whose face shines with genuine appreciation, letting us know that we make a difference.