The Diff Between Tomcat & Weblogic JSP Parser
前些时Falcon Team说发现很多JSP页面在Tomcat下跑好好的,在Oracle iAS和BEA Weblogic下跑莫名其妙的报JPS编译错。大概是这个样子:
eblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 362): no corresponding open tag for tag extension close: //[ null; Line: 362]
OSP 1.5 – Deploying in Weblogic
Posted on: 2004/10/21 15:30Ok, further investigation has revealed this to be an issue with quotes not being backslashed, and Tomcat’s apparently more permissive parsing of JSP’s. Here’s an example of the problem in share.jsp:
<logic:iterate offset=”<%= request.getParameter(“offset”) %>” length=”<%= Configuration.get(“share.sharesPerPage”) %>” id=”share” name=”shares” indexId=”row” type=”org.portfolio.model.ShareDefinitionImpl”>
Note that the parameters of the struts logic tag are quoted, but have unbackslashed quotes within them:
offset=”<%= request.getParameter(“offset”) %>”
Inserting a backslash in front of the inner quotes allows weblogic to parse the JSP correctly:
offset=”<%= request.getParameter(\”offset\”) %>”
Tomcat also parses this format just fine, so it may well be worth making this sort of change globally. (There are many pages within the app affected, including the dynamic ones that are created when new hierarchy elements are published.)
这是一个矛盾,Tomcat的做法似乎不错,两种语法都支持,但是再查查JSP 1.2 Spec,在2.6 Quoting and Escape Conventions一节,虽然没有明说,但是举的例子说明,在上面举例的那种上下文下,要么用单、双引号交替使用,要么用escape字符。所以BEA/Oracle们的做法没得话讲——既然它们没得话讲,Tomcat这个就有问题了,因为它的宽容掩盖了潜在的问题,推迟了开发团队发现问题的时间,增加了修正的代价。
<falcon:folderNavigator pageIndex=”<%=(String)request.getParameter(“GoPageNo”)%>” />
上面这个,可以编译,但是运行时出错 -_-bb
The Diff Between Firefox & IE HTML Parser
在论坛上说上面这个事儿,对于<%%>忘了用HTML entity转义了,提交后,惊讶的发现Firefox可以正确地显示,看来没把<%%>看作HTML parser。不一会儿就有人投诉——在IE下看不到那两行JSP代码。。。