HP Releases Linux-Based Notebook
— from Slashdot
Software metrics: Lines of Code vs Function Points
Function Points or Lines of Code? That’s the question.
Article: The eXo Platform Reloaded
eXo platform reloaded! 这个广受关注的J2EE应用框架开源项目继续向1.0前进中,支持JSF是新版本的一大亮点。
The eXo platfrom : CMS AOP + Portlet and Service Container (JSR 168 CERTIFIED) + Hot Deployable Portlet + Portal Based on Java Server Faces + Struts and Cocoon Bridges + Workflow + Enhanced Commmunication Tools + Many Portlets…
The eXo platform is an Open Source integrated application suite that provides several dependant services in a loosely couple way using a lightweight container.
The eXo platform services stack:
- Low level : Log, database, hibernate, XML processing, cache…
- Middle level : Portlet container, Workflow, JCR…
- Higher level : e-commerce, publishing…
The service stack can be reached through two channels : a portal and web services.
The eXo platform provides a CERTIFIED portlet container(JSR 168 – JCP specifications) that can also be queried through web services (WSRP – OASIS specifications).
— from TheServerSide.com