Fedora Core 2: Making it work

Recently I concluded my review of Fedora Core 2(FC2) on Linux.com with the words, “It’s an important step in the evolution of Linux … but I won’t be using it for production work anytime soon.” What a difference a month makes — I am now using FC2 for production work. Here’s how I got around the distro’s deficiencies.

— from NewsForge

Featured Article: What You Can Do With EJB3 (part one)
Hibernate的Gavin King的新文章,针对新发布的EJB 3.0 Early Draft提出了对EJB3应用的设想。

Maxine 1.1 Released: A JMX Microkernel

Autoboxing surprises from J2SE 5
JCP在Tiger(现在叫J2SE 5了-_-bbb)中引入autoboxing特性的时候大概绝对没想到会成为一个恐怖的大漩涡!TSS汇集了最近关于autoboxing特性的一组有趣的讨论。

Container Driven Testing Part III: Advanced Testing Techniques
这是这一题目的Part III(这里有Part IIPart I)。

Humor: Sun shows cartoon making fun of the Microsoft settlement
Inside Jack Episode I: The Sun-Microsoft Thing是Sun官方网站最新放出的flash动画,开始的音乐很爽(Nirvana rules!),然后开始围绕“How can Sun use the $2,000,000,000?”的问题调侃。里面有很多好玩的dd,例如上来Jack就说“My name is Jack, and I write code…”,令人想起工藤新一的“工藤新一…探偵さ!!”,开会时打游戏和睡觉的工程师,Balmore和McNealy对着说“Hi, I love you, man”的表情和语气,然后还有2 billion一个的“IBM consulting contract”。。。BTW,Jack的那件写着“No, I will not fix your computer”的t-shirt很讨人喜欢,其实这在ThinkGeek卖15-19美刀一件。

Featured Article: AOP Panel at JavaOne 2004
J1继续开,请跟踪关注持续更新的TSS @ J1链接。这次是AOP专题介绍。

Eclipse Pollinate: BEA and Eclipse team up for Beehive plugin
日食+蜂巢=授粉?BEA和Eclipse社区开始了新的Eclipse Pollinate项目,目的是为Eclipse平台开发Apache Beehive技术的工具插件。

— from TheServerSide.com

Using Blogs To Dispense Venture Capital

Fedora, SuSE And Mandrake Compared

gmuslera writes “This weekend 2 comparisions were made between latest Fedora, SuSE and Mandrake Linux distributions. The first one was done by FlexBeta and in general goes deep, done by people that seem to know Linux, and good around its 9 pages. The last one was done by The Washington Post (yahoo news link) and shows another view of those 3 distributions, from someone that seems to dislike Linux and don’t know enough about it. In what of those extremes are the average new user experience with those distributions?” Update: 07/06 01:01 GMT by T: Note that long-time Washington Post tech writer Rob Pegaroro doesn’t seem to dislike Linux — far from it; he’s just writing what he sees as truth.

World Computer Chess Championships Underway
在FIDE世界冠军赛的同时,World Computer Chess Championship 2004也在以色列如火如荼进行中,/.的geeks当然格外关注开源社区的弈棋引擎Crafty是不是能够在如林的封闭引擎之中创造好成绩。

— from Slashdot