Celebrity Casting For LOTR
— from Slashdot
JSR 201 PFD: Enumerations, Autoboxing, for loop, static import
JDK 1.5的几个语言级特性——JSR 201发布了PFD,估计很快就会进入最后的发布了——希望有人赶紧开始做JDK 1.4的实现吧!
Google gets another Java guy: Adam Bosworth from BEA
Detecting Memory Problems Before they Hurt
The Java Specialists’ Newsletter的Heinz在OutOfMemoryError Warning System中演示了如何使用JDK 1.5的memory MX bean来检测内存溢出异常。但是,似乎没有从这种灾难中recover的办法,那又有啥用呢?!
The Eclipse Web and J2EE Tools Platform Project is Now Live!
Eclipse的webtools项目正式挂牌,看看几时可以出点成果,现在的Eclipse J2EE开发plugins几乎没有好用的。。。
More Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
MF这家伙看来也是个喜欢赶潮流的主儿,这次他对他的新书“Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture”做了修正,增加了一些针对Rich User Interfaces的新patterns。
JDBC Tips: Managing Connections and Updates
JDBC Performance Tips的第IV部分:Managing Connections and Updates。
EJB 3, the New JavaBeans?
Gavin King讲EJB 3将会成为JavaBean的增强版,因为JavaBean的设计模式简单而强大,相比之下EJB 1&2的模式复杂而晦涩,而且毫无意义。这是不是说——之前的EJB实在瞎折腾呢?
JavaBeans components are:
- easy to write and easy to change
- object oriented
- somewhat self-documenting
- sufficiently general – the component model does not really assume much about the nature of the bean container, nor about the purpose of the component
- fine grained
- executable completely outside any container
…EJB 3 component model as an enhancement to JavaBeans: JavaBeans with “extra” semantics, defined by the spec’s general-purpose annotations.
Grady Booch talks past, present, and future
嗯,这老家伙又出来说话了,在IBM Rational User Conference上,这里有两句他新说出来的话:
Java is not the last language — although it may be Scott McNealy’s last language.
Many of the frameworks of the future will be built upon UML semantics, and that aspect-oriented programming will be mainstream.
— from TheServerSide.com
How to use CVS without going insane
Writing Bug-Free C Code
Jerry Jongerius在1995年出的名作,讲了很多很基本的原则,用一种好的code style来降低差错率,style的重要性是不能低估的。
css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design
Zen Garden经常有些很pp的设计,这次是一篇CSS的设计示例。
— from del.icio.us