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Useful Macros/Warlock

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Macros Beginners Guide
HOWTO: Make a Macro
UI FAQ/Macros and Scripts

<imagelink>IconSmall_Druid.gif|Useful macros/Druid</imagelink> <imagelink>IconSmall_Hunter.gif|Useful macros/Hunter</imagelink> <imagelink>IconSmall_Mage.gif|Useful macros/Mage</imagelink> <imagelink>IconSmall_Paladin.gif|Useful macros/Paladin</imagelink> <imagelink>IconSmall_Priest.gif|Useful macros/Priest</imagelink> <imagelink>IconSmall_Rogue.gif|Useful macros/Rogue</imagelink> <imagelink>IconSmall_Shaman.gif|Useful macros/Shaman</imagelink> <imagelink>IconSmall_Warlock.gif|Useful macros/Warlock</imagelink> <imagelink>IconSmall_Warrior.gif|Useful macros/Warrior</imagelink>


Wand/Spellstone use on 1 button

This will allow you to turn your wand's auto-shoot on or use your equipped Spellstone with one button.

/cast [equipped:Wand] Shoot; Master Spellstone 

Pet management

Both your warlock and pet can engage the same target at the same time, given a long-casting opener and a modifier key.

/petattack [modifier]
/cast Shadow Bolt

Pet Attack Toggle

Pet attack toggle button.

/petattack [target=pettarget,noexists]
/petfollow [target=pettarget,exists]

Pet Attack => Grind

This one also makes sure your pet is attacking the target; useful to take some of the finger-work out of grinding. You'll want to fine-tune the sequence depending on your level, spec, and the mobs you're fighting.

/castsequence reset=combat/target Corruption, Curse of Agony, Life Tap, Drain Life, Shoot

Pet Attack => Grind => Drain Soul

If you want to cram even more functionality into that grinding button, here's the above macro, plus the feature that if you hold Alt while pressing it, it will cast Drain Soul instead.

/petattack [nomodifier:alt]
/castsequence [nomodifier:alt] reset=target/combat Corruption, Curse of Agony, Immolate, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shoot
/cast [modifier:alt] Drain Soul

Soulstone Macro

This macro will on right click make a soulstone (change for appropriate level), left click, use it and on alt left click cast it on yourself.

#showtooltip Minor Soulstone
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Minor Soulstone; [button:1] Minor Soulstone;  [button:2] Create Soulstone

Pet Attack => Cast DoT's in Sequence => Hold Alt to nuke

Sends your pet to attack, and casts immolate. Press again for Curse of Agony, and again for Corruption. Then hold alt, and nuke away. If your not grouped, and have a voidwalker out, you will alternate between Shadow Bolt and Searing Pain when holding alt. I suggest you keep Immolate first as it gives you time to cast without interupts, and lets your demon cast or attack in time to build up aggro.

/castsequence [modifier:alt,nogroup,pet:Voidwalker/pet:Felstalker] Searing Pain, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
/cast [modifier:alt] Shadow Bolt
/castsequence reset=combat/target Immolate, Curse of Agony, Corruption

Voidwalker Sacrifice / Succubus Seduction / Felhunter Devour & Spell Lock

This will cast Sacrifice if you have a Voidwalker out, Seduction if you have a Succubus.

/cast [pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice; [pet:succubus] Seduction

A little fancier version: With Voidwalker out: will cast Sacrifice if in combat or consume shadows if out of combat. With Succubus out: will set focus and cast Seduction when ALT is used, without ALT will recast Seduction on focus target.

/cast [pet:voidwalker, nocombat] Consume Shadows; [pet:voidwalker, combat] Sacrifice;
/stopmacro [nopet:succubus]
/focus [modifier:alt] target
/cast [target=focus, pet:Succubus] Seduction
/focus [target=focus,dead]

Variation for the Fel Hunter that will set the focus as the current target while ALT is held, and devour magic. Its a pretty simple template to follow. (NOTE: Devour Magic can replaced with spell lock if thats your kind of thing)

/focus [modifier:alt] target
/cast [target=focus, pet:Felhunter] Devour Magic
/focus [target=focus,dead]

Imp Dark Pact / No Imp Life Tap

Dark Pact if you have an Imp out, Life Tap if you don't have an Imp out. Depending on your playstyle, this may let you get by with only 1 keybinding for both Dark Pact and Life Tap.

/cast [pet:imp] Dark Pact; Life Tap

Devour Magic off Target else Yourself

Devour Magic on your target, Devours off of you when right clicked.

/cast [button:2,target=player] Devour Magic; Devour Magic

Fel Domination + Summon Pet

If you are demonologist and have Fel Domination it will cast it and summon the pet you want. Just change "pet you want to summon" with the name of your desired minion, for example /cast Summon Voidwalker (Summon).

/cast Fel Domination
/cast Summon [pet you want to summon](Summon)

4 Demons on 1 button

One button, 4 Demons. Left = Felhunter, Right = Voidwalker, Shift click = Imp, Control click = Succubus. Saves bar space.

/cast [modifier:shift]Summon Imp(Summon); [modifier:ctrl]Summon Succubus(Summon); [button:2]Summon Voidwalker(Summon); Summon Felhunter(Summon)

2 healthstones on one button

One button, 2 Healthstones. Left click to discharge a Major Healthstone, right for Greater Healthstone. Shift click to create a Major, Control click for Greater. While one can have multiple healthstones of differing rank in one's inventory, they will share the same cooldown. Hence, this macro is more usefull for longer fights.

/cast [button:2] Greater Healthstone; [modifier:shift] Create Healthstone; [modifier:ctrl] Create Healthstone; Major Healthstone

Focus a Target out of combat, then attack in combat

This macro will set a focus on your target outside of combat and when in combat will command your pet to either assist the focussed target if it is friendly or attack the focussed target if it is hostile. Can be modified to clear focus when used or can be made so that focus is kept so pet can be juggled between 2 targets in combat. Also, if out of combat can send you pet to attack once a focus is set. There's really a lot of ways someone can tweak with this so figure out what works for you and change to your liking.

/focus [nocombat]
/petattack [target=focus, exists,harm,combat]; [target=focustarget,exists,harm,combat]; target

Voidwalker management on one button

1. If you do not have a Voidwalker out it will summon it.
2. If you have a Voidwalker and ARE NOT in combat, will cast Consume Shadows and heal Voidwalker.
3. If you have a Voidwalker and ARE in combat, will Sacrifice Voidwalker.

/cast [nopet:Voidwalker] Summon Voidwalker
/cast [pet:Voidwalker,nocombat] Consume Shadows
/cast [pet:Voidwalker,combat] Sacrifice

A variant Voidwalker Summon/Sacrifice macro: If in combat and pet is Voidwalker, cast Sacrifice, otherwise Summon Voidwalker.

/cast [target=pet,dead] Summon Voidwalker; [combat,pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice; Summon Voidwalker

Note: The "[target=pet,dead]" part is necessary to keep from getting a "Your pet is dead" error when resummoning shortly after casting Sacrifice.

Chain-Fear Focus Macro

1. If you do not have a focus it will set your mouseover target to your focus.
2. It will cast fear on your focus.
3. Will null your focus if you click the macro button with the control key held down.

/focus [nomodifier,noexists,target=mouseover] target
/cast [nomodifier,target=focus] Fear
/stopmacro [nomodifier]
/focus [modifier:ctrl] none

Amplify Curse with Curse

Will do a one click Amplify Curse (if its up) with the curse of your choice. If Amplify Curse is not up, it will just cast the curse as normal.

#showtooltip Curse of Agony
#show Curse of Agony
/cast Amplify Curse
/cast Curse of Agony
#showtooltip Curse of Exhaustion
#show Curse of Exhaustion
/cast Amplify Curse
/cast Curse of Exhaustion

Added: #showtooltip Curse of Agony ---> shows curse of agony's tool tip on macro mouseover

      #show Curse of Agony ---> use ? icon and it will show CoA icon and cooldown (as in removes Amplify curse cooldown from button)

Announce your summon to /raid or /party

/script local C; if(GetNumRaidMembers()==0) then C = "PARTY" else C = "RAID" end SendChatMessage("Summoning %t to << "..GetMinimapZoneText().." >>. Please assist.", C)
/cast Ritual of Summoning

Stop Attacking / Drain Soul

Useful if you wish to quickly stop attacking or casting to get in a Drain Soul before a mob dies to pick up a soul shard. Right clicking will stop autoattack or stop casting, while left clicking will cast Drain Soul.

/stopattack [button:RightButton]
/stopcasting [button:RightButton]
/cast [button:LeftButton] Drain Soul(Rank 1)

Note that if you use this macro while attacking with a wand, stopping your attack is not immediate; you still have to wait for the universal cooldown to complete. May not work with channeled spells.

Recall pet when using Drain Soul

Very useful and simple if you use Improved Drain Soul to get back mana. Too often the pet gets killing blow thereby spoiling mana return.

(As of Patch 2.1.0 this is no longer valid. As the patch notes state: "Abilities and items that are triggered when you kill a target are also now triggered when your pet kills a target."

This has been verified.

/cast Drain Soul

If you are sure the target will die from DoT spells currently on it, you may want to cast a downranked Drain Soul to get more net mana back from Improved Drain Soul.

/cast Drain Soul(Rank 1)

Note that there is no space between the end of 'Soul' and the open paren.

Gathering and Tracking Macros

The Hunter has several tracking abilities that can be selected: this can, however, put a dint in your gathering prospects. This is taken from the Useful Macros page

The skill that a Warlock has that uses the minimap to track is;

Class Skills:

/castsequence [nocombat] find herbs, find minerals, sense demons

Two-button Total Pet Control

With two buttons (macros) you can have total pet control if you make them context sensitive. The point of this is that a keyboard can become utterly cluttered, and requiring more than 2 buttons for 5-6 functions on your pets results in more buttons than preferred being in an unreachable place. Before the macro I'd bind pet function 1 (attack) and 5 to two buttons, but occasionally the situation comes up where the pet needs to be recalled, or needs to be told to stay in a position in sentry mode. Using the mouse + pet bar for these more advanced techniques wastes valuable time, multiple buttons waste valuable pet space. I therefore wrote a macro to bring it all down to two buttons, based on having a target selected or not.

Macro 1:

/petattack [harm]

Macro 2:

/petfollow [pet:succubus]
/cast [harm] Spell Lock
/cast [help] Devour Magic
/cast Seduction
/cast Sacrifice
/cast Intercept
/petstay [noexists]
/petdefensive [noexists]

This allows you to do the following things:

  • Send your pet to attack pressing button 1 while targeting an enemy
  • Get your pet to return to you immediately by deselecting any targets and pressing the same button again
  • Have your pet use its special attack (Seduce, Sacrifice, Intercept, Spell Lock) when you target an enemy with the second button
  • have your pets (other than the Voidwalker) stay in one place and become agressive when pressing the second button and no target is selected
  • Have them return again to you and become passive again pressing the first button again
  • You can now re-seduce without the succubus being blocked by an ongoing seduce
  • The Felhunter will attempt to devour Magic on targeted friendlies, and spell lock targeted enemies.

Basically everything you ever need to do with your pet in 2 buttons.

Drain Soul and Destroy Shards (Careful)

BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS SCRIPT. If you're affliction specced and use Drain Soul to gain mana back due to the talent Improved Drain Soul you might have the problem of building up many more Soul Shards than needed and losing precious inventory room. This macro will stop everything from casting, destroy the first shard in your bag and then cast Drain Soul Rank 1. WARNING WARNING WARING! BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS SCRIPT. It relies on your shard bag being the furthest left bag on your action bar(the F8 bag). If your shard bag is not in the F8 slot it will delete items in whatever bag is there. If your bag is in another slot you can change that in the macro by changing the value of x in PU(x,y).

/script PU = PickupContainerItem; D= DeleteCursorItem; PU(4,1); D();
/cast Drain Soul(Rank 1)

For testing purposes, it is advisable to replace the following line:

/script PU = PickupContainerItem; D= DeleteCursorItem; PU(4,1); D();


/script PU = PickupContainerItem; PU(4,1);

It will just select the item in that bag, but won't actually destroy it.

Focus banishing

This can also be easily altered for use of any kind to focus-cast.

/clearfocus [button:2]
/focus [button:1,target=focus,dead];[target=focus, noexists,button:1]
/cast [button:1,target=focus] Banish

Summon All Pets

This one is a very simple macro that allows you to summon any pet you wish to summon. Just left click to summon an Imp. Hold alt and left click to summon a Succubus. Hold ctrl and left click to summon a felhunter. Hold shift and left click to summon a Voidwalker. Right click to summon a Felguard. Hold shift and right click to summon a Felsteed. Hold alt and right click to summon a Dreadsteed. That covers every possible summon, includes the mounts. Even if you don't have some of the summons it doesn't matter because it'll just mean that you can't use that one until you get the spell. So lets say you don't have a Felhunter and you ctrl right click, nothing will happen. Yet all the other summons will work fine. So no matter what level you are it will work with whatever pets you have.

/cast [button:1,nomodifier] Summon Imp
/cast [modifier:alt] Summon Succubus
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Summon Felhunter
/cast [modifier:shift] Summon Voidwalker
/cast [button:2,nomodifier] Summon Felgaurd
/cast [button:2,modifier:shift] Summon Felsteed
/cast [button:2,modifier:alt] Summon Dreadsteed

Banish Rank 1/2

This macro will cast Banish (Rank 2), which lasts for 30 seconds, if clicked with no modifiers. However, if you want a shorter Banish, then shift-clicking the macro will cast Banish (Rank 1), which lasts for 20 seconds.

/cast [modifier:shift] Banish(Rank 1); Banish

Healthstone use/summon, Ritual of Souls in group

This will allow to use a healthstone with one click, summon with another, however in groups you will cast Ritual of Souls rather than a single summon.

#showTooltip Master Healthstone
/cast [Group, Button:2] Ritual of souls
/cast [Button:2] Create Healthstone
/use [Button:1] Master Healthstone

When you first log in it'll show you a red question mark icon until you make your first stone. You can change the first line to "#showTooltip Create Master Healthstone" to fix this, however it will display the number of soulshards remaining instead of healthstone.

Focused Seduction

  • Upon use, the macro will Focus your target, and have your succubus Seduce it.
  • When used for the second time, and your Focused target, i.e. the Seduction target, is alive, it will re-seduce it, regardless of what your current target is. It will not focus your current target, and seduce that; it will re-seduce it's focused target.
  • If used during Seduction, it will break the seduction and re-seduce the focused target.
  • If clicked while "Alt" is being pressed, it will cancel the previous focus and assign a new focus on your current target.
#show Seduction
/clearfocus [modifier:alt] 
/focus [target=focus,noexists]; [target=focus,dead] 
/clearfocus [target=focus,help] 
/cast [pet:succubus,target=focus,exists,harm] Seduction; Seduction