Google今天发布了最新的Google Web Accelerator的β版——又一次升级了它对大家的隐私观念的挑战。

· Google Web Accelerator sends requests for web pages, except for secure web pages (HTTPS), to Google, which logs these requests. Some web pages may embed personal information in these page requests.

· Google receives and temporarily caches cookie data that your computer sends with webpage requests in order to improve performance.

· In order to speed up delivery of content, Google Web Accelerator may retrieve webpage content that you did not request, and store it in your Google Web Accelerator cache.

To learn more, read our Google Web Accelerator Privacy Policy (

以上是安装时的隐私提示(看到后我就赶紧取消了安装),其中明确的讲了,这个Google Web Accelerator为了“帮助用户加速Web访问”将向Google发送你的每一个http请求(https不发送),并将缓存cookie等个人信息,还会帮我预下载一堆我没有请求的页面(只要是它认为我“可能”会请求的)。。。

