Slashdot上有一则新闻,讲微软终于认识到Longhorn一时半会儿是搞不定的,所以准备搞一个XP的升级版本作过渡,代号叫做。。。Windows XP Reloaded!首先让我们使劲儿的寒一个。。。


OMFG ROTFLMAO ROR! (Score:5, Funny)
by Amsterdam Vallon (639622) * on Thursday February 26, @05:36PM (#8402367)

I Googled “XP Reloaded []” just for kicks.

Based on the results page, I think they really do need another release — nearly every single query result was a question about how to reload the operating system because a bunch of shit just stopped working!

Once XP Reloaded comes out, I can’t wait to query for “XP Reloaded Reloaded” and see if the number of results returned decreases at all, or if the MS tards just add more bugs with every “bug fix”. Hahahaha!